Ideas are invaluable. The patent system would attempt to have you believe ideas, concepts, and inventions are worth a set amount of money. This is wrong. In order to advance as a civilization we need to learn that we must free ideas, free inventions, and free information.
As many of you sit memorized by the mainstream media, the distractions put into the news as the truly important stories are ignored, and junk television designed to keep you a mindless zombie. To quote Timothy Leary (though under a different context) I ask you to tune in, turn off, and drop out. Turn cable off, and seek your news from independent sources online where the Government can not step in and stop the news networks from showing the dead children in Gaza. Our Government does not want you to see the bodies that pile up. We live in a nation where we are denied seeing the dead bodies our decisions leave behind.
There is always collateral damage in war, nobody returns unharmed from war, it does not take a bullet to leave a person permanently wounded from war. The things they see, the things they experience, and the loss of their brothers stays with them for a lifetime. We have an extreme number of people coming back from the oil wars we are fighting right now, and committing suicide. We should ask ourselves WHY? What have these people seen that drive them to put a gun in their mouth. We should strive to help them. Help stop the 25% of war vets coming home to commit suicide.
We believe we are not censored here in the United States, we think the bill of rights protects us. It does not. The bill of rights has been undermined, and destroyed almost completely. The only thing we have left is our guns. Due process, Search and Seizure, freedom of the press, all are gone. You can be searched no matter what today. Locked up without due process. The press is in nothing more than cahoots with the government to further it's agenda.
Our Media is controlled by the same wealthy elite who pay off our politicians to represent only themselves. We see people's property being taken away under "Eminent Domain" so that it can be developed by the rich. This was not why this law was put into existence. I know several people now who are loosing their land under such circumstances. I ask simply where does it stop? American Citizens are TIRED of the greed, tired of having things taken away, paying taxes we can not afford. The people who are loosing their land weren't even fairly compensated for it. In reality in one case, it probably did more damage for them. Their land was taken leaving some several dozen feet between their house, and a highway. Now I ask, they were not fairly compensated for the land taken, and how much will a house be worth when the back porch view is a lovely view of a highway. That probably takes some 50K from the value of the home. These people are being screwed!
At what point do the scales tip, and we begin to care more about the people of this country than we do about business. At what point does the small man matter. One of the men basically loosing his home by loosing his ass on it served our country. This is how we treat our war veterans? This man has to fight tooth and nail for every step in the process of dealing with the VA, and the government comes along and screws him out of his land and home too, costing him tens of thousands of dollars without consideration of what they are doing to this man.
We were encouraged to buy homes in High School, saying it was an infallible investment. So many did just that, they lost their asses on the houses. We were encouraged to buy stock, the people who did lost their asses. We must overcome this monster that rears it's ugly head in our government. The Government was NEVER intended to be controlled by cooperate giants. We have it in our heads that we are but a small person, incapable of taking on these giants, but the truth is, we are more capable than we may ever realize.
This country was founded by defeating the biggest empire in the world. We stood up as small men from different tribes, different churches, and we united against the British. We won that fight, and our independence.
The founding fathers never intended for our income to be taxed. Income taxes are unconstitutional. We must rise up and develop a system based on what the founding fathers said. We must put Capitalism in check, we must tell these people we are tired of eating the crap they are feeding us. The fruits of our labor, earned from the sweat from the brow of our labor is squandered by our government. Given to Israel to kill chidlren. Given to many countries around the world either not to make war, or to make war depending on the situation.
Let it not be forgotten, we GAVE Saddam Hussein the nerve gases he used on the Kurds. We bought the AK-47's that were used against us in both gulf wars. We armed the Taliban. We armed Iran. We are in the process of arming many more militias around the world. We must stop and ask ourselves if this is the correct approach to a better future. Will these weapons be used for the good of us as a nation, or be turned on us in a decade. We have yet to arm a militia who did not turn on us. Why do we continue to implement failed policies, when it's the very definition of insanity it's self.This is but another of the terrible cycles we must break. The only question that remains is how and when will the cycle be broken? Will we let it go so far as to require an armed insurrection within the United States, or will we stand up and fight when protest still works?
I favor a non-violent solution, and taking a stand against these atrocities. We must become a self aware civilization. We must learn from the failures we have experienced, and instead of repeating the same mistakes, we could take a different road. We could take the high road as a nation. We better bring a machete along the way because the high road hasn't been taken in a while, and has become quite grown over. The only question is how far will we allow it to go before we decide to make a change. When will we as a nation learn that our current systems are not working, and it's time to find a new way. It's time to stand up for our rights before they are taken away by fear mongering, war profiteering, big business loving government.
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