Monday, September 1, 2014

Thank you for taking the time to read my ideas! (I seek no personal glory in this, only to spread ideas)

So far this page has gotten more views than I expected it to receive EVER. Within 48 hours I crossed my goal of views. My hope of this page going Viral, and being seen by a fair portion of our society is a possibility I didn't think would EVER be possible, and I want to think the people who have taken the time to read my ideas. I've received some positive comments from people who I admire greatly, and I have been encouraged to keep it up. To quote a dear cousin of mine, "We need more people to think".

I ask you my viewers to spread the news, spread the ideas set forth on this page. I seek no personal glory from this, only to have good ideas heard, and spread. Share this to your facebook if you believe as I believe, Share this with your parents, your siblings, your children. I ask  you to realize we must educate our children in politics. If we want to continue to tell our children they can be whatever they want in ilfe, we must teach them from an early age about freedom, what freedom really is, and just how much of it we are loosing. We must learn not to teach our children fairytails, but rather that life is hard, life is cold, and life does not care. It does not discriminate.

From my point of view the worst thing a person can do is to tell their children they can be anything they want when they grow up without exposing them to the reality that unless we fight for our freedom, and fight for change, change a president cannot offer, change our Government will not offer, then they may be forced to skip college in favor of working hard labor intensive jobs.

I'm not telling anyone how to raise their children, but as a man who was told as a child I had the world by the nuts, when in reality I didn't have a snowball's chance in hell without racking up student debt that could take decades to pay in full. I felt betrayed for a very long time. We must seek to leave future generations prepared for the world they will face. Educate them on the idea that NOTHING in this world is free. Freedom it's self is not free. Freedom is the costliest thing we have, but more than worth the price. We must seek to raise a more informed and politically active generation. I have faith in my generation who has already stood u in mass protest against the machine our government has become to do these things. To tell our children that life will be nothing but one difficulty after another, and will never relent. We must teach future generations the true cost of freedom. Sandy Hook, Aurora Colorado, Columbine, all school shootings, and all mass killings with guns are the price we pay for the freedom to bear arms. We must never relent to such fear.

9/11 was a horrible event, but look at what fear did to us as a nation. It allowed the passage of the patriot act. Fear is something we must as a society learn to overcome. We must take to heart what FDR said in that "the only thing we have to fear, is fear it's self". We must not give in to fear, and allow our government to take away our rights to "protect us". When Thomas Jefferson said "the tree of liberty must be refreshed with the blood of tyrants and patriots alike". Are we safer as a result of the patriot act, or are its boundaries already being over stepped? Do we want cameras on every street corner in the name of safety, or are we willing to take the risk of loosing our lives in favor of true freedom, freedom to not be watched, and our communication intruded upon. Make no mistake, there will be more deaths in the future, and we will be asked if we believe those deaths are justified in the name of liberty, or will we let our government take away more of our rights in the name of safety.

A safe society is not free, a free society is not truly safe. I'm not saying the government is out to take our guns away, but rather asking each individual, what price are you willing to pay to remain truly free? I personally would rather risk airline hijackings than to be violated in the manner I am every time I enter an airport. We have to ask these questions, and make the decisions as hard as they are. It's hard not to be scared, or feel great apathy for the people who die in these horrible events. We must not fail to remember the true cost of freedom. We must understand that we can die in the name of liberty without being in war, or without a shot fired.

We must draw lines, and decide where the government has gone too far. Is it real liberty for New York City to limit the size of soft drinks? Is it real liberty for the government to tell us what we can, and can not eat. Is it fair for people to push for all organic farming when it's not possible to support the world's population through organic farming. We must teach future generations all these things from a young age. Teach them to understand it's not our government's place to tell us what we can eat, what, and how much we can drink. We must learn NOT to fold in the face of fear. We must understand that these are simply the prices we pay to remain free. It's not the American way to fear anything anyway. What would the founding fathers say?

Would George Washington cave to the fear of a terrorist attack? One of the greatest most noble things we can do for our children to leave them a better nation is to live without fear, teach them to do the same, and teach them WHY they must live without fear. If I were a victim of a shooting my opinion would not change. We need to raise these people up as martyrs for our freedom. We must learn not to give up freedom for safety, but to seek to make our country safer without sacrificing the most important thing we have.The Government will take all they can from us, they've but proved it over and over. With the backing of big business, they will become more, and more renegade. They will continue to take our freedoms all the while telling us we are "safer". Like all governments with too much power, our Government is capable of all the same things. We must keep the military on our side, the military is made up of our brothers and sisters, and we must support them. Even if we don't support the actions they are ordered to take, we must still support the soldiers themselves. They are not the enemy. The enemy is the government that seeks to undermine our freedoms.

Do not shelter your children, rather teach them the reality of life. Life is cruel, it will break everyone at some point. It's our ability to rebuild ourselves, and to fight for our rights that separates us from the rest of the world. A hand full of people, including my mother vehemently make it known they do not support what I write here. I am willing to fight for their right to do just that. Freedom of speech means we must tolerate that which we do not agree with. Furthering our civilization requires that we learn tolerance, lack of fear, willingness to fight in the face of tyranny, and an unspoken agreement that we as the People will fight back when our freedom to say and do as we please. We must support even the right of the Westboro Baptist Church for instance because we cannot pick and choose when it's ok to say what you want, and when it's not. Freedom of speech goes across the board.

We are on the cusp of change, we are on the very edge of making a great change in our nation, Occupy Wall Street was but the first shot fired, we the people have much more ammo, and must be willing to use it. We must pass these beliefs to the future generations. The changes we seek will not come overnight, or next year. They won't come with the next election, but they WILL come if we stand unified and press the issue without yield. We have to teach our children these things. We must never surrender one drop of our freedom in favor of safety. We must never give up, never give in to fear. We must be willing to sacrifice. We must be willing to protest, and we must above all be willing to accept that freedom is a costly thing. It will on occasion cost us dearly, but the other options are so much worse. Without people willing to stand up and say "I do not care how many people died, we must not give up our liberty to fear", then the great experiment is doomed, and we will never be safer for it to begin with.

I ask all to do the greatest service they can to future generations, and not shelter them. Expose them to the reality of the world, the reality of freedom's real price, expose them to the suffering of others in this world, and instill in them a desire to change the world. We all have the power to make change. We must realize that we are but citizens of the United States, and we must maintain our freedom; more importunately though, we are citizens of the world, and we must desire to see the children of Africa, Asia, and all poor nations to be given the opportunities we have. We must learn not to do this through war, but through ideas.

Ideas will change the world at a faster pace than guns or bombs EVER will. Remember that Guns and Bombs are but a backup plan for when others desire to impose their will on us, removing all our freedoms. We must learn to not seek war, but to seek the spread of ideas more than ever. We must push for our Government to spread ideas instead of weapons most of all. We didn't bring democracy to Vietnam with a gun, but rather with diplomacy and ideas after we stopped the war. Before we can spread the idea, we must grasp it ourselves.

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