This blog is dedicated to creating a movement, creating an idea of a more perfect Government, and breaking the cycle of Lobbying our Representatives to vote in favor, not of the poor and middle class, but in favor of the wealthy elite while the rest of us suffer, while the rest of us struggle to survive, are crushed under medical debt, student loans, and lack of everyday necessities. This Blog proposes drastic governmental change, will make me no friends in government, but proposes an IDEA. An Idea I beg all who read this to pick up and run with. Only as a people, ONLY when we are unified, ONLY when we are free to TRULY, and directly vote on each and EVERY law we the people will be expected to obey can this situation be rectified.
My proposal, my idea is simple, but drastic. Big Business hires FIVE lobbyists for EVERY representative in both houses. No matter what they say in elections, no matter what they say while in office, our "representatives" only represent one group of people, the top 1%. They must raise $67,000 per day to keep their job, lest another person be elected who will only do more of the same. This proposal seeks to break that cycle, and after hundreds of years, use the power of technology to put that power directly in the hands of the people.
What is the answer to this problem? At this point I see only one:
Get rid of the houses of representatives. Do away with both Senate and Congress. This might sound drastic, and it is, but in a day where Osama Bin Laden is more popular than Congress, maybe it's time for such drastic change, but what will we do without our houses of representatives to "represent" us?
I propose this, Fire them all, eliminate elections for them. Instead, have the President propose laws DIRECTLY to the people of the United States, and let US vote on them as a referendum in each, every, and all cases.
But how can this be done without Americans going to the polls several times per month?
We live in an information age, an age where we already have different applications on Ipods, Ipads, and other tablets to feed info into the government on what we want. I only wish to see the next logical step taken.
Issue every voting American a unique tablet or Ipod like device where the bills Congress and Senate would currently vote on are posed DIRECTLY to we the people. The houses of representatives were established in an age where it took days for California to find out what Washington was doing. Battles in the Civil War were fought after it was over, the news had not reached that far. Gone are those days, today we live in the information age.
We live in an age where We the People, no longer need someone to ride their horse to Washington to Represent us. We can represent ourselves. I request that instead of the houses with all their filibusters, in fighting, and enormous periods of vacation, we get rid of them. Have the President draw up legislation, and from there it be sent to our tablets, issued by Social Security Number to prevent fraud. From there, it's up to we the people to participate in our government, and read/listen to these proposals. Then we the people simply vote YES, NO, or Abstain.
Why would this create a better civilization, and what would the founding fathers think? I am of the opinion that the founding fathers roll in their graves on a daily basis because of how much Big Business has taken over our government with all it's lobbying, money, and power. If technology of today had existed in 1776, our Government would have been established in a much more efficient manner. Simply put, posing laws directly to the American People was impossible in that age, today it is not.
Legislation would fly, unwanted laws repealed with little fight under a system where people voted directly on legislation. I simply wish for EVERY individual to be given their God given right to have their say in the laws they are made to abide by. The President's job would change from arguing and fighting Congress to proposing laws to the people, DIRECTLY to the people. If Americans read the laws on their issued tablets, and disagreed, they would vote NO. Without a majority, the law would not pass, sending the president back to the drawing board. If the people voted YES, then it would become law.
Other sources of Legislation would come from YOU, and your fellow Americans. Every American would have the ability to propose laws, and every American would have the ability to vote on those laws. We must stand up and take back our rights to vote. We must see the destruction of the snake that has become the houses of representatives. We must stand up for a greater and higher form of government. This is a revolutionary idea, not in place anywhere else in the world.
Imagine a country where laws that took away our rights, or destroyed resources we wished to keep could not be passed. That is what I offer to you. Imagine a country where the president can not just go to war, but rather, must present his case to the American people as a whole, and receive approval. This CAN happen if we stand unified. This is not a question of Republican or Democrat, rather a question of is our system serving us best at this point? I say it is not. How does Exxon Mobil have more say in our laws than WE the people? We must fight back this beast, we must present our case, and the desire to make our voices heard. Our current system will only continue to fail. My entire life I've watched as the houses of representatives raped the blue collar worker in favor of big business to the point that the house of representatives has become nothing more than a house of ill repute.
Through a new system such as this, we can fight to go back to a gold standard, and make our own laws as the founding fathers desired. This is a system the founding fathers of this great nation would be proud of. Imagine a society where we can bring our brothers and sisters in arms home right away. This CAN be done.
Imagine, if you will, a society where the factory worker has as much say in Washington as the president, any man on wall street, or any member of the presidential cabinet. Now, if you will, Imagine a world where those people have MORE say than the political leaders, and the rich. We are the 99%, and it's time we stop the Hijacking and raping of our government. Gone are the days where voting for a Democrat or Republican even matters. Imagine a world where the people can propose and enact laws in a matter of days, instead of waiting on the government to argue for months, or years over it. Only to see the law passed after a series of back room deals are made, earmarking billions of our tax dollars to pointless projects to suit the wealthy. Imagine a system where we would have had a say in the bailout of the banks, the bailout of Detroit, the war in Iraq, Afghanistan, Imagine how much different things could be if we the people stood up and had the ability to nullify the war on drugs, the war on terrorism, pass tax laws in a manner we see fit, not as the wealthy see fit. We the people, ranging from lower class, all the way to lower upper class are drastically mis-represented in our current system of government, and I speak for the people with a simple idea to change this, to make the voice of the people not only heard, but feared. I seek an end to our nations children being sent off to wars of aggression, having little or nothing to do with a real threat to the United States.
I am but a small, blue collar worker myself. I do have a gift, a gift of intelligence, a gift of great words, and a gift of thinking outside the box. I see a solution to our problems using technology. I see a system that works with, and for we the people. A system that allows the people of the united states to decide what laws they wish to have enacted, and which laws they wish to see buried as if they never existed. I see a form of government where we can simply say no to things we do not desire, and it be followed, because it would become law. We don't need to elect someone in the hopes they will do that for us, we can do it ourselves today with the technology we have. Where martial law would never have to be enacted because we the people could be asked within a day, how we wish as a nation to react to something. If we wish to give up some of our freedoms in favor of safety, or if we are tired of seeing the bill of rights ravaged like a whore in a back alley in the name of safety. Where the patriot act has been used to fill a privatized prison system with a majority of drug offenders because they have been guaranteed a certain occupancy rate, or the state must pay a fine for every bed not filled. This is NOT the American way, this is NOT what our founding fathers wanted. This is NOT in the constitution.
Such a system is NOT without it's own inherent risks, we would have to fight to protect our system of voting. Presidential elections could be carried out via these government issued tablets. We would have to be vigilant of tampering by those who wish to gain more power, or steal the power back from us. We must become more politically aware, not through the means of mainstream media, but through ourselves. We must raise our children to be politically aware, not to be brainwashed by what they see on TV, but rather to seek out the truth in every situation. We must learn to vote in favor of freedom even when it means sacrifice or loss of life. We must plant the seed of knowledge in every child, an insatiable desire to learn a desire to learn that lasts until each human being breaths their last. We must be willing to favor blood shed over safety, because a free society is not always safe, but worse a safe society is almost never free, nor is it truly safe.
We must do this, we must do this to save the environment, to make advances in energy alternatives, to make advances in government transparency. We must do this to stop our soldiers, our friends, our family, our fathers, our mothers, our brothers, and our sisters from becoming cannon fodder for the United Nations, corrupt politicians, and big business. We must do this to save our country from the wealthy elite who would rather watch the whole thing burn to the ground for another billion dollars, than give up their wealth for a better future, not just for their children, but for us, and our children. We must do this to stop war profiteering, and the squandering of our wealth on bombing other countries, arming those who will inevitably fight against us, and we must do this to fight tooth and nail to regain the freedom we've already lost.
The goal is simple, every American votes on every law. Government is drastically reduced in size, and as a side effect, in power. No longer are frivolous secrets hidden, one party passing bills behind the back of another. Keep the president accountable not by protest, not by armed insurrection, but by the simple fact that he must have the permission of the people for legislation to become law. The money to establish this radical new system would be funded by the abolition of Congress and Senate. They give themselves raises on a yearly basis, instead of paying them, that money will establish this new system, and support it. It is every Americans duty to vote, and I wish to stand and put this duty TRULY back in the hands of the people. For too long Wall Street has thrown its weight around in the government, leaving representatives little to do but follow like sheep to the slaughter. This system would give the people the power they were meant to have. Presidents could be impeached and out of office in a matter of hours if necessary. Abusive police agencies punished for their actions, recalls on people in every facet of government. This is a way to end the patriot act, and put an end to big brother as we ourselves assume the role. We must not live to see ourselves become the evil we fight.
The fundamental concept of what is proposed, radical is it may seem, is that the 99% will matter again. We cannot be bought by lobbying, not unless Exxon Mobil plans to go door to door handing out checks to buy out the American People as a whole. If we stay educated, keep our children educated, and fight for a new system, a better system, we can wrestle control from big business and put it back where it belongs, with the people who must live and abide by these laws we have no say in anymore. I seek to change that, and I ask only for your hand in support. I ask anonymous to help me. I ask the poor to help me. I ask the rich to help me. I ask everyone, every single American to help me. Let's rise up and make change in our government the likes of which have not been seen since the bill of rights was written. I ask that you spread this message. I ask you to support this message, and if you believe in it, to fight for it. Make your voice heard. Let We the People rule this nation once more as was intended by our founding fathers. Let we the people make big business play by our rules, not by the rules they pay to have passed as law.
If we are to move for such radical action, ground rules must be established,
1: Every American who is eligible to vote MUST vote, failure to vote on laws would result in a fine, or imprisonment. We would not be talking about voting for a candidate, but on the very laws you must adhere too, and the repeal of laws we wish to do away with. Therefore it must be law that you exercise your right to vote directly on legislation. On every law there would be the option to abstain from voting. This would count as voting, but not be tallied as a "yes" or a "no", the people would be given all the powers of the houses of representatives, they have the option to abstain, so do you.
2: Voter Fraud would be made a capital offense. A system would be put into place to protect the votes coming from the government issued tablets, and tampering with this system, if ever put in place, would be paramount to treason, open doors to a coup, and would be against all I wish for people to join me in fighting for. Therefore the system established, one more noble than the worthless piles of shit in Congress and Senate MUST be protected with our lives, and in a likewise manner, anyone who tampers with the system, upon conviction by a jury of their peers must be subject to the same laws regarding treason. This includes life in prison, or capital punishment (should we agree to keep it legal). The primary objective is for the true voice of the American people to never again be silenced, by anyone or anything. A delegation of people would be elected to over see the tally of the electronic votes, and it would fall under their, and the people's jurisdiction to catch people tampering with the system put in place. It must be regarded with the highest security, and segregated from the internet.
3: Every law must be given time for everyone to vote, under this system, the president would propose laws, a minimum amount of time designated by the voters themselves must be established, and followed. Under no circumstances could any late night, or last minute bills be passed.
4: Voter laws would remain much the same as they are, Felons would not be allowed to vote, incarcerated persons would not be allowed to vote, and mentally defunct (institutionalized) persons would not be allowed to vote. The people will like all laws, have the ability to change this.If a law is proposed allowing felons to vote, and passes, then felons will be given the right to vote. This applies across the board.
5: This system has no room for trifling. Submission of pointless laws, or attempts to attack the system by overloading it with proposed laws from common people would be put before a separate elected committee to verify if this person if serious, or trying to sabotage the system. Sabotage of the system put in place is again, paramount to treason.
6: A committee would be established to transcribe proposed legislation from the sitting president, and proposals from the common people who gain enough support, into proposed legislation to be voted on by tablet, this committee would be responsible for sending the proposals to the tablets, As well as providing an audio version of the proposed legislation, word for word so that people who can not read the proposed legislation for whatever reason may hear the proposed legislation verbally. This would include a simplification of any intricate wording used in the proposals, and definitions or other foot notes to assist in understanding
7: With every proposed agenda from the President, or any proposal from the common man that gains enough momentum to be voted on, a "jury" of sorts, randomly selected from a pool would be selected as a secondary committee to oversee the actions of the first, thus providing redundancy in the system to make sure the true decisions of the People are carried out as voted upon. The pool would be changed monthly, and selected randomly from the American voters, and treated much the same as Jury Duty.
8: No other power in the land would have the ability to over-ride the decisions of the people, under no circumstances could the will of the people if voted on, and passed correctly be over ridden.
9: The Supreme court would here no cases involving decisions made by the people. This is a system set up by the people FOR the people, and the supreme court has no ability to over-ride these laws based on any law, government document, or interpretation. Once a law has been passed through this system, it is law. The Supreme court, nor any other court has jurisdiction to interfere with this process.The Supreme court may still hear court cases involving interpretation of laws passed through this system as it pertains to specific cases, but may not over ride them, or in any way declare them unconstitutional.
10: Any legislation proposed must be clearly and concisely worded, with no room for interpretation, which may be used to detract from the meaning, or clearly interpreting of the law.
11: Police may not over extend any law passed, or pervert it in any way, shape, or form. This is the word of the American people, and is intended to reign supreme in this land as the founding fathers would have wanted. Any attempt to do so means the case must immediately be thrown out of court, without any punishment to the accused, and any bail or bond monies must be returned to the defendant.
12: Until any changes are made, the current law of the land stands, putting this system in place does not immediately alter any current laws, as this would open the potential for anarchy, and/or misguided political activism.
13: The bill of rights or constitution may not be altered in any way shape or form without an overwhelming majority vote directly by the American people, with all the same requirements currently in place. This system merely replaces the houses of representatives on a state and federal level, putting the vote directly to the American people as we have the means to do so this day in age.
14: Exact numbers and percentages for passing laws will be set by the people. The president, nor any other power will have the ability to modify the people's vote, set numbers, and the peoples vote will reign supreme over all other powers in this land the only vote the President will have is the same as every man, a single yes or no vote through the same system used by the rest of the land. The President's job will only be to propose legislation through the system, and execute the laws that are passed as the executive branch. No member of government's words shall carry more weight than the vote of we the people through this proposed system.
15: These changes are not to be made only on a federal level, but state houses shall be abolished in favor of the direct referendum system as well.
This is the first draft of a new, more perfect, form of government that truly gives power to the people. I ask for input from the people, I ask for advice from the people, and I ask for guidance from the people. I am but one man who seeks to make a change in our corrupt government. This system can not be implemented by any one man, it requires an uprising of the people with a demand for their right to truly vote be given to them, and that we the people have the final, and must supreme say in our laws, and our government.
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